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Term 4 has been a challenging but exciting term for students, encouraging significant growth in learning and resilience. This term’s value focus was Teamwork and it has been evident in classroom activities and extracurricular events that students have been working on their communication skills, building their confidence to share their ideas and including all members of their group.  

One of the highlights of the term was certainly Awards night where students were recognised for their diverse achievements throughout the year. Work was displayed across all subjects for the community to admire. Student speakers wrote and practiced their speeches and spoke confidently about the events of the year, sharing their own reflections. The most impressive part was the amount of families in attendance, celebrating our Foundation Year together and enjoying coming together as a community at the Broadmeadows Town Hall.  

As the year has progressed, the Values Awards became hotly contested, as so many students were in the running due to receiving positive recognitions from their teachers. We look forward to recognizing more students next year as they continue to demonstrate our College values and excel in the classroom and in the yard. A special thanks to our Mentor Teachers who have supported students throughout the year, as was evident by the kind words students wrote in their Thank You cards last week.  

This term has been an important one to prepare for our new Year 7 cohort in 2023. The team met with primary schools and families to facilitate a smooth transition to Greenvale Secondary College. A shout out to the students who helped on our Mini-Orientation Day to support students attending on their own – Alissa Sefer, Ava Sartori, Adam Moussa, Jason Hadchity, Summer Brooks, Thomas Devon. You demonstrated excellent leadership skills! 

This week we met the new cohort and their families in our Orientation Day, introducing them to each other and also to their teachers for next year. We also welcomed our new staff for next year on the day so they could get to know the students. Another shout out to the current Year 7 students who volunteered to help on the day and did a great job of working with students, helping them to meet each other and playing with them in the yard during recess and lunch (particularly Efe, Osman and Hunter who played soccer and basketball). Special mention to the many other students who wanted to be there on the day – it is a credit to our school that so many students were willing to give up their time to support our incoming cohort.  

As we prepare for 2023, we have many events to look forward to – camps for both Year 7 and 8, new subjects and enhancements, events to welcome families onsite to spend time with each other and more excursions to foster the development of our students as lifelong learners. Thank you to the community for your support this year as we have worked to create a positive and inclusive climate where students feel safe and supported to discover their strengths and interests, participate in different activities in and out of class, and develop their capacity to take on whatever career pathway they choose.  

From the Subschool Team, have a safe and happy holiday and we look forward to seeing you all in 2023! 

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