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Our students have demonstrated excellence in a variety of areas this Term. Firstly, this was achieved through the success of both year level’s camps. Not only did camp expose our students to new experiences, but it fostered stronger relationships between our students and our teachers.

Furthermore, it has been pleasing to see students modelling our Value of Leadership, a focus for Term 2. Students have been:

Term 2 provided our Year 8 students with yet another opportunity for real world learning. Students spent the day out for their Chinese and Italian Excursions and enjoyed immersing themselves in cultural activities. It was energizing to hear them talk about the skills that they have learnt through their involvement. 

Additionally, all year levels have been completing end of unit assessment tasks and our teachers have been busy providing feedback to students.

 I would like to thank all of our students and our staff for their hard work and contributions throughout the Term.


The College is currently in the middle of our review process. Thus far, our review panel has accomplished important work through several means, including: meeting with student focus groups, meeting with parent focus groups, meeting with staff, and observing classrooms. Our review panel’s field work ensures a deep understanding of GSC’s successes as well as where our opportunities for improvement lie. 

I look forward to keeping the community updated on this valuable work.



Based on student, staff and parent feedback the revised Enhancement Program has been launched. Parents and students will have received a link in Compass to complete preferences for Semester 2 and we are now currently reviewing these preferences.

Considering most of the changes were made based on student feedback, it is pleasing to see that students are looking forward to the new programs and opportunities as a part of a coherent framework.



Thank you to all of our families for their engagement with learning at Greenvale Secondary College, especially through the use of Compass. If needed, assistance is available to access and navigate Compass.

It is important that all families are regularly logging in, reading notifications and celebrating the learning growth of their child. Sometimes we recognise that navigating or accessing technology may require a little support, so we recommend that families:

  1. Drop into the Administration Office and ask for assistance
  2. Check out the online Parent and Family Guide for Compass
  3. Login to Compass or our Website and view the help guides under School Documentation



Our community will be aware that the Hon. Natalie Hutchins, Minister for Education and Minister for Women, as well as Mr. Iwan Walters, the Member for Greenvale, recently visited our school to make the formal announcement regarding Stage 2 Funding. The announced $22.38m will ensure that we see additional facilities, including:

This is great news for our students and our community. GSC will be able to continue providing high quality learning experiences in our new high quality facilities.

It is likely that construction work will commence in late term 4 this year and will be completed in time for the start of the 2025 school year.

YEAR 7 2024

We continue to have high demand for student placement for Year 7 in 2024. So far the number of placement requests have exceeded those received for this year’s cohort. As a result of this high demand for enrolments, the College remains under an Enrolment Management Plan which restricts enrolment to those who live within the enrolment zone.



A cornerstone of learning at Greenvale Secondary College is the proactive and preventative work we undertake to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment. Recently all students participated in a bullying prevention workshop called: Bully Zero. 

Our students were provided with evidence-based information aimed at preventing bullying in our school. Students were taught many valuable things during their session, including about the different types of bullying, the impact bullying has on young people, as well a variety of strategies to help them assess and respond to bullying situations.


As parents and carers, you play an important role in protecting your child from harm and this extends into social media and online platforms. As a school we aim to support you in keeping your child safe each and every day. Bearing that in mind, we have invited the Australian Federal Police to GSC to present their “Think U Know” program on Thursday, July 13th at 5:30pm.

Bookings can be made via Eventbrite.

This program aims to help parents and students build critical thinking skills to recognize unsafe situations online and to speak up if need be.


Exciting work has begun as the Senior School Planning Group has commenced meeting weekly to plan our future Senior School. In Term 3 we are meeting with other schools, and with individual groups of their students, to better understand what has been working well for them in order to understand more about their aspirations and needs.


We expect all current Year 8 students to attend our Year 9 Information Session with their parents/guardians. Important information regarding the structure of our Year 9 program and the process for selecting subjects will be covered. More information will be posted on Compass in the coming weeks.

This Information Session is on Thursday 20 July at 5:00pm with booking via Eventbrite.

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