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Year 7

The second half of term has been action packed with most Year 7s heading off to Camp Weekaway at Benloch Valley, where they excelled at archery, screamed on the flying fox, splashed about in canoes,  stormed opponents in laser tag and Mr Tonna tore up the dance floor. It was a wonderful time for students to learn more about each other, get to know new people and create memories. A huge thank you to all staff who came on the camp and helped students to have the best time!

Year 7s are currently engaging in the Kindness Project, and will be practicing their acts of kindness over the holidays. In assembly yesterday, we discussed ideas to be kind to family, friends, the community and organisations. This could be as small as walking a neighbour’s dog or cooking dinner for the family as a treat.






Year 8

Since returning from camp, Year 8s enjoyed their day excursion to Lygon St for Italian and Chinatown for Chinese. Learning about these cultures through exhibitions and art (as well as the delicious food) is such a valuable experiences for our young people, thank you to Mr Tomolo and Mrs Lu for leading the way.

Another exciting event for the Year 8s was the Subject Expo yesterday when they learned about the course requirements for Year 9 and asked questions about which electives they might want to try. Year 9 is the first time they have a real voice in their academic pathway and we encourage students to consider their interest areas as well as areas of strength to make this choice. Students will sit down with their Mentor Teachers next term to discuss their options and we will have an Information Night at the beginning of next term for parents to attend and ask questions.


Congratulations to those students who are continually demonstrating our College values of Respect, Leadership, Excellence and Teamwork, recognised at our Year Level assemblies yesterday:

ValueYear 7Year 8
RespectKhadijah MianDaniel Colonico
LeadershipYassin BennaddouZayd Elbouch
ExcellenceSarah DolmayIbrahim Awad
TeamworkAyesha TlaisAlexander Harvey


We wish everyone a safe and warm holiday and are looking forward to seeing you all in Term 3.


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