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Our students have demonstrated excellence in a variety of areas this Term. Firstly, this was achieved through the success of both year level’s camps. Not only did camp expose our students to new experiences, but it fostered stronger relationships between our students and our teachers.

Furthermore, it has been pleasing to see students modelling our Value of Leadership, a focus for Term 2. Students have been:

  • learning to hold themselves and others accountable by organising themselves to complete tasks and meet deadlines.
  • learning to be open to new and different ways of scholarship by challenging themselves and persisting with learning.
  • learning to treat everyone fairly by behaving in ways that won’t disrupt the learning of others.

Term 2 provided our Year 8 students with yet another opportunity for real world learning. Students spent the day out for their Chinese and Italian Excursions and enjoyed immersing themselves in cultural activities. It was energizing to hear them talk about the skills that they have learnt through their involvement. 

Additionally, all year levels have been completing end of unit assessment tasks and our teachers have been busy providing feedback to students.

 I would like to thank all of our students and our staff for their hard work and contributions throughout the Term.


The College is currently in the middle of our review process. Thus far, our review panel has accomplished important work through several means, including: meeting with student focus groups, meeting with parent focus groups, meeting with staff, and observing classrooms. Our review panel’s field work ensures a deep understanding of GSC’s successes as well as where our opportunities for improvement lie. 

I look forward to keeping the community updated on this valuable work.



Based on student, staff and parent feedback the revised Enhancement Program has been launched. Parents and students will have received a link in Compass to complete preferences for Semester 2 and we are now currently reviewing these preferences.

Considering most of the changes were made based on student feedback, it is pleasing to see that students are looking forward to the new programs and opportunities as a part of a coherent framework.



Thank you to all of our families for their engagement with learning at Greenvale Secondary College, especially through the use of Compass. If needed, assistance is available to access and navigate Compass.

It is important that all families are regularly logging in, reading notifications and celebrating the learning growth of their child. Sometimes we recognise that navigating or accessing technology may require a little support, so we recommend that families:

  1. Drop into the Administration Office and ask for assistance
  2. Check out the online Parent and Family Guide for Compass
  3. Login to Compass or our Website and view the help guides under School Documentation



Our community will be aware that the Hon. Natalie Hutchins, Minister for Education and Minister for Women, as well as Mr. Iwan Walters, the Member for Greenvale, recently visited our school to make the formal announcement regarding Stage 2 Funding. The announced $22.38m will ensure that we see additional facilities, including:

  • Learning Neighbourhood Building B
  • Visual Arts Building
  • Performing Arts, PE and Food Technology Building
  • Hardcourts
  • Sports Oval

This is great news for our students and our community. GSC will be able to continue providing high quality learning experiences in our new high quality facilities.

It is likely that construction work will commence in late term 4 this year and will be completed in time for the start of the 2025 school year.

YEAR 7 2024

We continue to have high demand for student placement for Year 7 in 2024. So far the number of placement requests have exceeded those received for this year’s cohort. As a result of this high demand for enrolments, the College remains under an Enrolment Management Plan which restricts enrolment to those who live within the enrolment zone.



A cornerstone of learning at Greenvale Secondary College is the proactive and preventative work we undertake to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment. Recently all students participated in a bullying prevention workshop called: Bully Zero. 

Our students were provided with evidence-based information aimed at preventing bullying in our school. Students were taught many valuable things during their session, including about the different types of bullying, the impact bullying has on young people, as well a variety of strategies to help them assess and respond to bullying situations.


As parents and carers, you play an important role in protecting your child from harm and this extends into social media and online platforms. As a school we aim to support you in keeping your child safe each and every day. Bearing that in mind, we have invited the Australian Federal Police to GSC to present their “Think U Know” program on Thursday, July 13th at 5:30pm.

Bookings can be made via Eventbrite.

This program aims to help parents and students build critical thinking skills to recognize unsafe situations online and to speak up if need be.


Exciting work has begun as the Senior School Planning Group has commenced meeting weekly to plan our future Senior School. In Term 3 we are meeting with other schools, and with individual groups of their students, to better understand what has been working well for them in order to understand more about their aspirations and needs.


We expect all current Year 8 students to attend our Year 9 Information Session with their parents/guardians. Important information regarding the structure of our Year 9 program and the process for selecting subjects will be covered. More information will be posted on Compass in the coming weeks.

This Information Session is on Thursday 20 July at 5:00pm with booking via Eventbrite.


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Year 7

The second half of term has been action packed with most Year 7s heading off to Camp Weekaway at Benloch Valley, where they excelled at archery, screamed on the flying fox, splashed about in canoes,  stormed opponents in laser tag and Mr Tonna tore up the dance floor. It was a wonderful time for students to learn more about each other, get to know new people and create memories. A huge thank you to all staff who came on the camp and helped students to have the best time!

Year 7s are currently engaging in the Kindness Project, and will be practicing their acts of kindness over the holidays. In assembly yesterday, we discussed ideas to be kind to family, friends, the community and organisations. This could be as small as walking a neighbour’s dog or cooking dinner for the family as a treat.






Year 8

Since returning from camp, Year 8s enjoyed their day excursion to Lygon St for Italian and Chinatown for Chinese. Learning about these cultures through exhibitions and art (as well as the delicious food) is such a valuable experiences for our young people, thank you to Mr Tomolo and Mrs Lu for leading the way.

Another exciting event for the Year 8s was the Subject Expo yesterday when they learned about the course requirements for Year 9 and asked questions about which electives they might want to try. Year 9 is the first time they have a real voice in their academic pathway and we encourage students to consider their interest areas as well as areas of strength to make this choice. Students will sit down with their Mentor Teachers next term to discuss their options and we will have an Information Night at the beginning of next term for parents to attend and ask questions.


Congratulations to those students who are continually demonstrating our College values of Respect, Leadership, Excellence and Teamwork, recognised at our Year Level assemblies yesterday:

ValueYear 7Year 8
RespectKhadijah MianDaniel Colonico
LeadershipYassin BennaddouZayd Elbouch
ExcellenceSarah DolmayIbrahim Awad
TeamworkAyesha TlaisAlexander Harvey


We wish everyone a safe and warm holiday and are looking forward to seeing you all in Term 3.



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Students Choose Their Learning: Greenvale Secondary College Subject Selection Commences

As we continue to grow and develop at GSC, the time has come for our first cohort of future Year 9’s to complete selection of elective subjects to determine their individual learning pathways.

In Year 9, students are given the opportunity to explore a range of elective subjects in addition to their core curriculum. Electives play a vital role in broadening your child’s educational experience, allowing them to delve into areas of personal interest and aptitude. These subjects are designed to provide students with a taste of various disciplines, nurturing their passion and curiosity beyond the core subjects.

Electives can cover a wide spectrum of subjects such as visual arts, drama, music, physical education, languages, technology, and more. It’s important for your child to consider their interests, strengths, and future aspirations when selecting their electives.

As your child progresses into the senior years of secondary school, they will have the opportunity to choose a pathway that aligns with their higher education and career goals. At Greenvale, students will be able to make selections between the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the VCE Vocational Major, as well as opting into Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs. This process will continue to intensify as students move into Years 10, 11 and 12, but early planning and consideration can greatly benefit your child’s future pathway.

The subject selection process is a part of the ongoing partnership between Greenvale Secondary College, students, and their families as we work together to achieve the best outcomes for your children. By providing support and guidance, and fostering open communication, you can help your child make informed decisions that align with their future aspirations and lead to a fulfilling and successful learning future.

What can families do to assist with the subject selection process?

  • Be involved in and support the student in the decision-making process. Your engagement will help your child understand the significance of this stage of schooling.
  • When discussing options, cover a variety of factors that may influence their choices. Encourage students to reflect on their strengths, interests, and academic abilities.
  • Encourage your child to choose subjects they genuinely enjoy, as this can contribute to their overall engagement and success in learning.
  • Be aware of the balance needed between subjects that challenge and motivate them while ensuring they follow any pathways that may lead them to their desired area of future study.
  • Engage in open and honest conversations with your child about their strengths, growth areas and goals when considering the most suitable electives and senior pathways.
  • Consider seeking guidance from their teachers, Learning Leaders and Student Services staff who can provide valuable insights and advice.
  • Attend information sessions hosted by the school to gain a comprehensive understanding of the processes, requirements and opportunities relating to subject selection.


2024 Year 9 Subject Expo

The Expo offers students a chance to listen to future Year 9 teachers speak about the subjects on offer. This also includes an opportunity to visit and ask questions at Learning Area booths exhibiting displays and information about 2024 subjects. Printed copies of Year 9 Subject selection handbooks will be provided for Year 8 students. Please encourage your child to share their handbook and discuss their responses to the event.

This event is for current Year 8 students and will be on Thursday June 22 during Lesson 5. 


We encourage all current Year 8 students to attend our Year 9 Information Session with their parents/guardians. Important information regarding the structure of our Year 9 program and the process for selecting subjects will be covered. More information will be posted on Compass in the coming weeks.

This Information Session is on Thursday July 20 at 5:00pm.

Bookings can be made by visiting our Eventbrite page


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Term 2 has been a season of tremendous growth and learning throughout the instrumental music program. We have had events, performances, and the introduction of the GSC ensemble program. We continue to change, grow and excel.

In keeping with the momentum of our growing music program, after our recent student performances at lunchtime, students have had the opportunity to trial new instruments. Ms. McPhail has helped expand students’ musical knowledge through the trail of new and unique instruments– some instruments students had never even seen before! Students were keen to give everything a shot and trialled brass, woodwind, and voice instruments. This provided the perfect opportunity for students to decide what instrument they would want to continue learning.

Our new ensemble program already has strong foundations.  Many students wish to expand their musical skills and have joined. Our ensemble program aims to provide students with not only a musical learning experience but also a social and collaborative experience as well. Some students have never worked on a team before ensemble and this new program provides students with the opportunity to learn not only new music skills but also teamwork and collaboration skills. Currently, students are excused from class for ensemble. Next term, ensemble will be available as an enhancement where students will have the opportunity to perform music pieces in front of their peers and parents.

On June 2, Leigh Olsson, from Yamaha Music, visited our school to help support our students in our newly formed GSC ensemble. The ensemble currently consists of flute, clarinets, alto and tenor saxophones and trumpets. Leigh brought his trumpet and helped by playing with the ensemble and supported students one-on-one when needed. He was extremely impressed with the students’ progress; after only having a couple of rehearsals, and with many students having only taken up a woodwind or brass instrument during term two. He spoke to the students about how important music can be and that learning to read music was like learning another language. Leigh praised the students’ efforts and told them that they should be proud of their achievements. He is hoping to come back again later this year to hear about the growth of our ensemble.

Greenvale SC is so lucky to have such a vast array of musical instruments available to the students. If a student is interested in an instrument please see Mr Rocek for a form.

Finally, thank you to all the students, staff and parents for all of their hard work and dedication–and for putting up with all of our noisy instruments!



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It has been an exciting term for the Greenvale Secondary College students when it comes to interschool sport. Term 2 was packed with lots of different interschool sports excursions.

The students that qualified for the Northern Metro Cross Country had a great day out at Kilmore Racing Club to compete for a spot in the State Finals. The conditions were tough.  A muddy and rain soaked track caused some heavy legs for all participants. Noah Tarallo ran an impressive race around the 3000m horse track. He clocked a time of 10.06 and finished in the 2nd spot to qualify for State Finals.

The girls and boys soccer teams had a much improved showing from their year 7 experience. Both teams finished runner up in their group and just missed out on the district finals.

The boys AFL team had a very impressive day out on the oval. They beat 3 of the local schools in our network to qualify for the regional finals. We are looking forward to working together as a team throughout our enhancement program as we prepare the boys for a tough regionals competition.

Term 3 will have some more exciting opportunities for our students with Basketball and Table Tennis coming up.


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Greetings Greenvale Secondary College Community!

We are thrilled to share exciting news from our dedicated Student Representative Committee (SRC). They have been hard at work, collaborating with teachers and mentors, to bring the spirit of house competitions into the classroom and mentor groups.

One of their current initiatives involves the creation of interactive Kahoot quizzes, tailored for mentor classes. These engaging Kahoots will provide an opportunity for students to earn house points. By incorporating house competitions into daily activities, our SRC aims to foster healthy competition and a sense of belonging within our school community.

But that’s not all! The SRC has even bigger plans in store. Throughout the year, they will introduce a range of fun activities for students to earn house points. These activities will include designated “House Point Days” where students can participate in friendly competitions, sports events, talent showcases, and more. By diversifying the opportunities to earn house points, the SRC aims to engage students from all walks of life, ensuring that every individual has a chance to contribute to their house’s success.

The ultimate goal of these initiatives is to create a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among the school houses. Students will work collaboratively, supporting and cheering on their peers, while fostering a positive and inclusive school environment.

We commend our SRC for their creative efforts and dedication in bringing house competitions beyond traditional events. Let’s all look forward to an exciting year filled with friendly competition, shared accomplishments, and a stronger sense of community within our school.

Stay tuned for updates and announcements from the SRC throughout the year!



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The Student Services Team welcomes Stephanie Surbevski the new youth worker from 13th June.  Stephanie is looking forward to providing students with support, education and wellbeing strategies. Together let’s make her feel welcome.



The Greenvale Secondary College Rewards Shop has been opened to students twice this term to allow students to exchange positive rewards points for gifts.  The rewards shop will be restocked each term and open to students twice per term.


A massive congratulations to all the students for displaying the values of Greenvale Secondary College:
The winners of Greenvale Secondary College’s first Gold Award for semester 1 of 2024 are:

Year 7
Yassin Benhaddou 
Peter Tso
Duong Ha Phoung Ngo
Vian Alex
Khadijah Mian 

Year 8
Alexander Harvey
Abigail Catchpole
Shane Silva
Janah Abdul Wahab
Matthew Aliquo   


Breakfast club continues to be open to students each Thursday morning.


Raise mentoring has come to an end for the year 8 students.  We want to thank the mentor volunteers for giving up their time to support the growth and development of the year 8 students.

Think U Know Parent Presentation Thursday 13th July

Please rsvp via eventbrite



Ongoingly the school is requested to provide counselling to our students.  This can be done only on a short term basis of up to 5 sessions.  For those students/ families that require ongoing support there are a number of options in the community that can be of an assistance.

Counselling via public services are generally free, but do require the need for a mental health care plan.


Headspace Craigieburn (03) 8338 0919

Glenroy  1300 880 218

DPV health – Head to Health   1800 595 212

Mind (12 free sessions at the school)  1300 375 330

Eating Disorders Victoria

CAMHS – tertiary mental health services for presentation of acute mental health.   1800 44 55 11  



Private services come with a fee. Mental health care plans and private health insurance can cover percentages of fees.  Many of these services are also registered with NDIS.

Healing Minds

Solution Psychology

DKM Psychology

Kids @ Heart

Mind Care Consulting



Recent surveys of Australian teenagers show that vaping use is rising, as it has become easier to find and buy. This has led to teenagers quickly developing Nicotine Dependence from the nicotine in vapes, and respiratory illnesses from their many chemicals. Most vapes contain high levels of nicotine even when they are labelled nicotine free.

Nicotine dependence signs include:

  • Irritability
  • Poor focus/difficulty concentrating
  • Lack of control over emotions
  • Poor sleep
  • Headaches, nausea and vomiting
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Poor school attendance and performance
  • Reduced or poor appetite


Victorian Law states that it is illegal for people under 18 to buy e-cigarettes, yet we know that young people are accessing these devices. There are new laws which will be introduced this year, to reduce access. Current laws state that it is illegal to smoke or vape on schools grounds or within 4 meters of school entrances. Breaking vaping laws at school may result in school suspension.


Safety at home: The liquid in vapes can poison children and young people through swallowing or skin contact so it is important to keep devices out of reach and locked away. Symptoms of nicotine poisoning include sweating, dizziness, vomiting and increased heart rate. If you suspect a child has touched or swallowed e-liquids from inside an e-cigarette, you can call the Victorian Poisons Information Line (VPIC). When you call the VPIC, trained staff will give you first aid information, and tell you if you need to call an ambulance or refer you to a doctor for treatment.


Please reach out to the school wellbeing team or the year level coordination team if you have any concerns about your child using a vape or e-cigarette device. There are many steps we can take to support a young person to stop vaping and there are no legal consequences for a young person asking for help to quit vaping.

For more information please contact:

Quit Victoria 13 7848

Victorian Poisons Information Line 13 11 23

Kids Health Information : E-cigarettes and teens (

For parents – Lung Foundation Australia



Term 3 is definitely going to be a busy one.  Look at what’s coming up……………

Acknowledgement of Naidoc Week

Mancave and Big Sister Experience Year 7

Raise Mentoring Year 7

Vic Pol Presentation Year 7

Love Bites Year 8

R U Ok Day

Body Kind Month












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Elizabeth Cullen – Business Manager

Liz is responsible for all HR, finance, facilities and operations matters at the College. You can get in touch if you have any enquiries or queries.

Sonia Saitov – Sub School Leader

Sonia is responsible for sub-school administration and attendance. You can get in touch if you need to report an absence or have a query about your students’ attendance reports. Sonia may also be in touch with you about consent for participation in excursions and College events.

Connie Midiri – Executive Assistant/Daily Organiser

Connie is responsible for daily organising and the school’s schedule. Connie is also responsible for transition and enrolment enquiries.

Introducing Lorraine James – Finance and Administration Officer

Lorraine joined the College last week with an extensive background in banking, small business and bookkeeping. Lorraine can assist with CSEF applications and funding, and you can get in touch if you have enquiries about billing and payments.


Our Administration Team are always happy to assist and support all students and families at the front reception daily. Our Administration Office is open 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday. We are committed to doing our best and if you ever have any questions or queries, we are here to help.



Students who arrive late to school, after 8:50am, must sign in through the Compass Kiosk either using their student card or Compass Login details.

Parents/Guardians can either use the Compass Kiosk to sign their child in late or contact the Office on 8393 0000 advising us why their child will be late.



We realise that at times you need to pick up your child early from school. When your child needs to be picked up early from school, please either contact the Office on 8393 0000 or send your child with a note to bring into Office Administration letting us know the time you will be picking up your child. This will ensure the class teacher will be notified when your child needs to leave class. 

When picking up your child early, you are required to come into the Administration Office and sign your child out through the Compass Kiosk.




The instrumental music program is an optional opportunity for students interested in learning or exploring a musical instrument. The College offers a variety of instruments taught by highly qualified music teachers. Families can complete a sign up form, which includes payment terms and conditions, for Terms 3 and 4. Instrument hire is also available. 

For students already participating in the program, please remember to let your music teacher know in advance if you need to miss or reschedule a music lesson. You should also speak with your music teacher as a first point of contact if you have any questions or concerns.



Families requiring assistance with their Compass login can contact the Administration Office on 8393 000 and we can assist you with your login details and password.



Families can order their child’s lunch through Compass each day, before 10:30am.  Students are to go to the canteen to collect their orders at the start of lunch.

If you miss the cut off for lunch orders, you are welcome to bring lunch or money to the Administration Office so your student doesn’t miss out.





23rd JuneLast Day of Term 2
10th JulyFirst Day of Term 3
14th JulyNaidoc/Cultural Workshops
18th JulyYear 7 Mancave/Big Sister
28th JulyRewards Shop Open
3rd AugustYear Level Assemblies
7th AugustCollege Planning Day – Student Free Day
19th AugustStudent Free Day
20th AugustParent Teacher Interviews
31st AugustRewards Shop Open
6th SeptemberYear Level Assemblies
8th SeptemberRUOK Day
15th SeptemberDigital Learning Day
15th SeptemberLast Day of Term 3




Daily school attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age. 

We realise some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But we also know that when students miss too much school – regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically.  

It is important that you contact the school as soon as possible on 8393 0000 or log onto the Compass Portal to inform us of your child’s absence.  

We also ask parents/guardians/carers to regularly monitor their child’s attendance through the Compass Parent Portal. 



As of Term 2, all students should be wearing their Full Winter School Uniform. If students are not in Full School Uniform, we ask that a note is brought to the Administration Office explaining why your child cannot wear their full school uniform, so a uniform pass can be issued for the day.



Students at times lose their clothing and personal items. If your child has lost clothing or school items, please come and check the lost property cupboard at the Administration Office.

It is important to put name tags on your child’s clothing/stationary to ensure any lost items can be returned to the owner.



A day here or there doesn’t seem like much but… 



Uniform items can be purchased from Noone Imagewear.

New Craigieburn Store Open. Shop A2-E,  420-440 Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn.  Shopping Precinct – Craigieburn Junction. Cnr Craigieburn Rd and Aitken Boulevard. Store is located next to Carpet Call.

Online orders can also be placed directly at












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