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Milestone Activities have now been conducted in most subject areas and will help the student, family and teacher understand if there has been learning growth in the first part of the term and informs targeted teaching as we move towards the Common Assessment Task (CAT). Please reach out to your child’s teachers if you have any questions or concerns about their progress.

On the morning of Friday August 9th, our staff participated in Professional Learning around School Wide Positive Behaviour Support. This is an evidenced based program that focusses on creating a safe and supportive learning environment. The focus for Friday was on understanding student behaviour and creating uniformity around positive language that encourages expected behaviours. Harry Cuthbertson from the North West Region of the Department of Education helped facilitate the work with the Greenvale Secondary College SWPBS team. We will devote another half day to continue the implementation of the program on November 1st. The afternoon session on Friday enabled teachers to moderate the Milestone task across the cohort to establish assessment benchmarks and strategies to target teaching for the last half of the unit, for all students on the learning continuum.

Attendance continues to be a focus for the Engagement team at GSC. Currently we are putting a video together to outline the impact of poor attendance on our students. It is not ok to be away unless there is an illness that prevents attendance. Missing school disadvantages the student in learning, social connections and in establishing good routines into VCE where a student is not be eligible to pass a unit if there is less than 90% attendance. We are committed to working with our students and families to improve attendance levels which in turn will improve learning outcomes for those students. Students with less than 80% attendance will be asked to attend a meeting with parents to implement an Attendance Support Plan, and may also be required to attend Redemption Days at the end of Term.

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