Elizabeth Cullen – Business Manager
Liz is responsible for all HR, finance, facilities and operations matters at the College. You can get in touch if you have any enquiries or queries.
Sonia Saitov – Sub School Leader
Sonia is responsible for sub-school administration and attendance. You can get in touch if you need to report an absence or have a query about your students’ attendance reports. Sonia may also be in touch with you about consent for participation in excursions and College events.
Connie Midiri – Executive Assistant/Daily Organiser
Connie is responsible for daily organising and the school’s schedule. Connie is also responsible for transition and enrolment enquiries.
Introducing Jasmine Spurr – Administration Trainee
Jasmine joined the College early in Term 3 as an Administration Trainee. You will see Jasmine at the front desk in reception answering your calls. Jasmine is a local to Greenvale and passionate about this community.
Our Administration Team are always happy to assist and support all students and families at the front reception daily. Our Administration Office is open 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday. We are committed to doing our best and if you ever have any questions or queries, we are here to help.
Introducing Susi Dombrzalski – Finance Officer
Susi is responsible for all accounts payable and receivable matters. You can get in touch if you have enquiries about billing, payments or CSEF applications
Families can order their child’s lunch through Compass each day, before 8:30am on the day. Students are to go to the canteen to collect their orders at the start of lunch.
Students who arrive late to school, after 8:50am, must sign in through the Compass Kiosk either using their student card or Compass Login details.
Parents/Guardians can either use the Compass Kiosk to sign their child in late or they can contact the Office on 8393 0000 to advise us of any tardiness.
We realise that at times you need to pick up your child early from school. When your child needs to be picked up early from school, please either contact the Office on 8393 0000 or send your child with a note to bring into the Administration office letting us know the time you will be picking up your child. This will ensure the class teacher will be notified when your child needs to leave class.
When picking up your child early, you are required to come into the Administration Office to sign your child out through the Compass Kiosk.
The instrumental music program is an optional opportunity for students interested in learning, or exploring, a musical instrument. The College offers a variety of instruments taught by highly qualified music teachers. Families can complete a sign up form, which includes payment terms and conditions for Term 4. Instrument hire is also available.
For students already participating in the program, please remember to let your music teacher know in advance if you need to miss or reschedule a music lesson. You should also speak with your music teacher as a first point of contact if you have any questions or concerns.
Families requiring assistance with their Compass login can contact the Administration Office on 8393 000 and we can assist you with your login details and password.
Greenvale Secondary College would like to remind all parents of our voluntary financial contributions for 2023. Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you in advance for all your support, whatever it may be, during your time at Greenvale Secondary College. It will make a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer.
You can read more about the College’s Parent Payment arrangements here: 2023-GSC-Parent-Payment-Arrangements.pdf ( Payments can be made via Compass, over the phone or at the front reception desk.
2024 Parent Payment arrangements information will be released in Term 4.
Greenvale Secondary College has a firm policy regarding student use of mobile phones at school.
At Greenvale Secondary College, inappropriate use of mobile phones by students is any use during school hours (unless an exception has been granted), particularly use of a mobile phone:
• in any way that disrupts the learning of others
• to send inappropriate, harassing or threatening messages or phone calls
• to engage in inappropriate social media use including cyber bullying
• to capture video or images of people, including students, teachers and members of the school community without their permission
• to capture video or images in the school toilets, changing rooms, swimming pools and gyms
• during exams and assessments
• to communicate with other mobile phone devices or social media
The College understands that students may bring a personal mobile phone to school, particularly if they are travelling independently to and from school. At Greenvale Secondary College:
• Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored
during school hours.
• Exceptions to this policy may be applied in certain circumstances.
• When emergencies occur, parents or carers can reach their child by calling the school’s office.
Please note that students are not permitted to use their mobile phones to pay at the canteen – cash or physical card is accepted.
You may receive a call asking you to collect a student’s mobile phone from the front office if the phone has been confiscated more than once.
Please take a moment to remind your students of these expectations. Thank you for your ongoing partnership.
Please complete this online expression of interest form if you are willing and able to contribute as a volunteer at Greenvale Secondary College.
The College is committed to providing a wide range of educational opportunities for all students and your support is invaluable.
Please note: All volunteers will need to complete an induction and may need to provide relevant supporting evidence such as a volunteer Working With Children Check depending on the activity. Further information will be provided.
THANK YOU very much for your interest in supporting the College as a volunteer!
Are you the King or Queen of the grill? Would you like to show off your skills to the entire Greenvale community? Help the GSC Council with our Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser on October 14th! Greenvale Secondary College will host voting for the Referendum and our council feels that this provides us with a unique, and perfect, fundraising opportunity. But we need YOU!
Please contact the GSC Council President, Andra Guccione, at: if you are available to help. Thank you!
Monday 2nd October | First Day of Term 4 |
Tuesday 10th October | Whole School Assembly |
Monday 6th November | Student Free Day |
Tuesday 7th November | Melbourne Cup Day (Student Free Day) |
Saturday 11th November | Remembrance Day |
Thursday 16th November | International Day for Tolerance |
Friday 24th November | White Ribbon Day |
Wednesday 29th November | Year 7 Immunisations |
Tuesday 12th December | Digital Learning Day |
Friday 15th to Tuesday 19th December | End of Year Activities Program |
Wednesday 20th December | School Closes – End of Term 4 and the Year |
Daily school attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age.
We realise some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But we also know that when students miss too much school – regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically.
It is important that you contact the school as soon as possible on 8393 0000 or log onto the Compass Portal to inform us of your child’s absence.
We also ask parents/guardians/carers to regularly monitor their child’s attendance through the Compass Parent Portal.
In Term 4 all students should be wearing their Summer School Uniform. If students are not in Full School Uniform, we ask that a note is brought to the Administration Office explaining why your child cannot wear their Full School Uniform, so a uniform pass can be issued for the day.
Students at times lose their clothing and personal items. If your child has lost clothing or school items, please come and check the lost property cupboard at the Administration Office.
It is important to put name tags on your child’s clothing/stationary to ensure any lost items can be returned to the owner.
A day here or there doesn’t seem like much but…
Uniform items can be purchased from Noone Imagewear.
New Craigieburn Store Open. Shop A2-E, 420-440 Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn. Shopping Precinct – Craigieburn Junction. Cnr Craigieburn Rd and Aitken Boulevard. Store is located next to Carpet Call.
Online orders can also be placed directly at
The Australian Government has established the School Student Broadband Initiative to provide free home internet for one year for up to 30,000 eligible families with school-aged students.
The initiative aims to boost education opportunities. NBN Co is leading the rollout of this initiative across the country.
How the School Student Broadband Initiative can help your child
Children who can access online learning at home as part of their education are more likely to engage in classroom activities.
Access to fast internet at home can also support children to build their digital skills, learn how to safely use the internet and take part in a world that is more reliant on digital technology.
To be eligible, families must:
- have a child living at home enrolled in an Australian school in 2023
- not have an active National Broadband Network internet service at their home (having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility)
- live in a premises that can access the National Broadband Network through a standard connection. NBN Co will check this for you after you apply
- register interest with your school and complete a consent form to be assessed for eligibility.
How the School Student Broadband Initiative works
If you are eligible, your home internet service will be provided at no cost for one year with a participating internet provider over the National Broadband Network. Each internet provider has its own step-by-step process to get you connected, which may involve you providing identification.
Once you sign up, the internet provider will help you set up your connection. The initiative does not include devices such as a computer or tablet. Other members of your household can use the internet service provided through this initiative.
The one-year period will start from the day your service is activated with your chosen provider. At the end of the one-year period, you will not be placed onto a paid service by your internet provider without your consent. The Australian Government is considering options beyond the one-year free period.
How to apply
- Ask your school for a copy of the School Student Broadband Initiative consent form.
- Complete the consent form and return to the school.
- NBN Co will use student address details on the consent form to confirm eligibility.
- If you are eligible, NBN Co will issue a voucher for your family to use to sign up with a participating internet provider. This will be provided to you by your school.
Please note: NBN Co will review the home address for eligibility. No personal information other than your main home address will be shared with NBN Co. Please see the consent form for details about how personal information will be used.
Find out more
For more information about the School Student Broadband Initiative, visit