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The music department has had a busy few weeks with several performances and assessments. On 27 May we held performances over both breaks inside the library. These performances were well received by a large number of students who came to watch and support their peers. We had a range of instruments performing including Flute, Vocals, French Horn, Drums/Percussion, Saxophone, Keyboard, Guitar and Bass Guitar. We had our first performance from our pop/rock band which performed Kyoto by Phoebe Bridges and ended the concert with the school ensemble who played a few pieces including We Don’t Talk About Bruno. It was amazing to hear the growth of our students and to also see other students performing for the very first time.

On 31 May, our performances continued at our Year Level Assemblies. Kuzey Eksi was rocking out on the Electric Guitar to the Year 7’s, performing the song Gorgeous by Kayne West. Azelya Cayir did a fantastic job performing to the Year 8’s on the Bass Guitar playing Love Song by The Cure. And we had Wesley Van Der Molen performing Drive (from a video game) on the acoustic guitar to the Year 9 cohort.

The students in the Instrumental Music Program have also been working towards their assessments and were assessed on technical work and a song which they were able to perform in their lesson for their instrumental music teachers.

To end the term, on Monday 17 June, our vocal students held an intimate performance during their lunch break in our music portable. The students chose a few friends and teachers to invite. This concert was organised to help build confidence for our students who have little to no performing experience and after watching them perform, you would not know that they were new to it. All of the singers performed incredibility. We look forward to holding more performances like this throughout the year.

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