How quick did Term 1 go by?  Congratulations year 7 students on your first term of year 7.  Congratulations to the Year 8 students for stepping up to the plate and welcoming the year 7 students.   BREAKFAST CLUB AND LUNCH SUPPORT Thanks to Food Bank Victoria Greenvale Secondary College can now provide students with […]


With the end of term fast approaching, we have had another busy couple of weeks with plenty of events and activities happening across the school. After a big start to the year and as we continue the terms focus on our value of Excellence, it has been impressive to see our students finding their feet […]


Hoping that the Summer break was one of new experiences, time with family and friends, that students are rejuvenated and ready for all that lies ahead. This year, we’re continuing to prioritize the mental and physical health of our students. THIS YEAR WE LOOK FORWARD TO INVITING BACK Mancave Big Sister Experience Raise Mentoring Drumbeat […]


GROWTH ENHANCEMENTS AT GREENVALE SECONDARY COLLEGE At Greenvale Secondary College we acknowledge at that not every child’s journey through learning is the same. Every student has areas of strength and potential growth, and there are different paths to every learning destination. Research suggests that intervention in the areas of English and Maths is particularly important […]


WELCOME  Our Administration Team, Connie, Mikayla and Julian are always happy to assist and support all students and families at the front reception daily. Our Administration Office is open 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday. We are committed to doing our best and if you ever have any questions or queries, we are here to […]


WELCOME YEAR 7 AND NEW STAFF! We have all been excited to welcome the 2023 students and staff to Greenvale Secondary College. Some new areas have opened to students to use at recess and lunch such as the grassed playing field, basketball court and front courtyard and it certainly feels more like a school now! […]


A busy Term 2 is coming to a close with students completing an immense amount of work with their Common Assessment Tasks, enjoying learning in new ways with excursions and celebrating achievements. At this time of year, students entering Middle and Senior School in 2025 are also starting the process of planning and selecting the […]

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