Milestone Activities have now been conducted in most subject areas and will help the student, family and teacher understand if there has been learning growth in the first part of the term and informs targeted teaching as we move towards the Common Assessment Task (CAT). Please reach out to your child’s teachers if you have […]

INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC The instrumental music team have been busy spreading the sounds of many instruments that Greenvale Secondary College have available to learn. Mrs McPhail has been around to some year 7 classes to demonstrate our woodwind and brass instruments. The students listened respectfully and were engaged in these demonstrations. The music staff have had […]

By now, all students will have completed Milestone tasks in each of their classes. Teachers will be setting aside time in their lessons to give feedback for students to take on before embarking on their Common Assessment Tasks in week 8 of this term. EMBRACING FEEDBACK: A PATHWAY TO GROWTH Feedback is a powerful tool […]

The SRC has planned a free dress day that will happen toward the end of term. In the first 4 weeks of the term the SRC consulted each group to find out what kind of free dress day they would like to have this term. The students had the opportunity to vote and have collectively […]

I hope you are settling into the Term well. We continue to have plenty of events and activities for our students to be involved in or to support – especially with the revised Enhancement offerings. In the past weeks we have had students participating in the Australian Mathematics Competition, the Space Design Sprint with La […]
AUGUST 2024 NEWSLETTER At GSC library we love to promote books from our diverse collection. At present we have books that include fiction and non-fiction stories set in other countries, stories of refugees who have sought shelter in other countries and the stories of First Nations writers. In the spirit of […]

Student Services of Greenvale Secondary College covers a number of areas of support to assist the wellbeing of students and families. ALLIED HEALTH The allied health team consists of a manager (qualified as a youth worker/counsellor and mental health specialist) x 3 Wellbeing Support Staff (counsellor, youth worker, social worker) and a Mental Health […]

MEET OUR ADMINSTRATION TEAM Elizabeth Cullen – Business Manager Liz is responsible for all HR, finance, facilities and operations matters at the College. Please be in touch if you need to discuss how the College can best support you and your students. Connie Midiri – Daily Organiser/Timetabler/First Aid Officer Connie is responsible for daily […]

A huge congratulations to all students and families for the effort, support and dedication that you have put into 2022. Student Health and Wellbeing is one of the priorities of the school for 2022. We will continue to develop and enhance this area of the school throughout 2023. RAISE MENTORING Thank you Raise Mentoring […]