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I hope you are settling into the Term well. We continue to have plenty of events and activities for our students to be involved in or to support – especially with the revised Enhancement offerings. In the past weeks we have had students participating in the Australian Mathematics Competition, the Space Design Sprint with La Trobe University as well as students out representing the College in Sport!

With Term 3 nearly at its midpoint, it is an opportunity to reflect on our focus value for this term of Respect. It is encouraging to see the many ways our students have been demonstrating this value including:



We are approaching that time of the Term for Parent Teacher Student Conferences. Parents will still be able to log into Compass and select their preferred times for these conferences to be held on 20 August.

This is an important opportunity for all families to engage in the learning journey with their child and our school. The partnership between student, school and parents is important in ensuring academic success.



Our families will be aware that there are 2 Student Free Days this term – Friday 9th and Monday 19th August. Planning days like these are essential as we continue to develop our school and plan not only for what comes next, but also to continuously improve the work we are doing now. I look forward to reporting back to our community on the important work we cover on these days.



On Friday 16 August, the College will recognise the National Day of Action Against Bullying. In 2024, the theme is ‘Everyone belongs’.

Each year, thousands of schools across Australia come together to promote inclusion, respect and belonging. We all play an important role in working with young people to find bullying prevention solutions.

When we all feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place. It’s about embracing who we are, respecting everyone’s differences and standing up together against unkindness.

Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. We’re encouraged to speak up and create a safe place where everyone feels supported and respected, and our voices are heard and valued.



All families will have received details via Compass for the 2024 Parent Opinion Survey.

The survey, offered by the Department of Education, is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement.

Parent and carer opinions are important to us and will contribute in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies. The department will use the results from the survey for research purposes and to improve outcomes for students.

Please let us know if you have any questions about the survey or if you need support accessing the link.



All members of our community may have seen the progress of our Stage 2 buildings, and it is exciting to think that in 2025 we will have students learning out of these spaces.

Meeting and planning has now commenced to ensure that we are ready to use these buildings for 2025 and we are also expecting to provide tours and orientation for both current and future students before the end of the year!

Stage 2 facilities will include:

This is great news for our community and students and means that we will be able to provide high quality learning experiences in high quality facilities. Make sure you check out our social media pages for updates and photos!


YEAR 7 2025

We continue to have high demand for student placement for Year 7 in 2025 and again, by far the number of placement requests have exceeded those received for this year’s cohort. As a result of a high demand for enrolments, the College remains under an Enrolment Management Plan which restricts enrolment to those who live within the enrolment zone.

Welcome families who are joining us in 2025! By now you will have received a welcome letter to confirm your details with us and in the coming weeks will receive an enrolment pack. We are looking forward to you joining us at Greenvale Secondary College.



Thank you to all of our families for their connection and engagement with learning at Greenvale Secondary College. In our continued efforts I wanted to raise awareness of the assistance available to access and navigate Compass.

It is important that all families are regularly logging in, reading notifications and celebrating the learning growth of their child. Sometimes we recognise that navigating or accessing technology may require a little support, so we recommend that families:

  1. Drop into the Administration Office and ask for assistance
  2. Check out the online Parent and Family Guide for Compass
  3. Login to Compass or our Website and view the help guides under School Documentation


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