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I hope you are settling into the Term well. We continue to have plenty of events and activities for our students to be involved in or to support – especially with the revised Enhancement offerings. In the past weeks we have had students participating in the Australian Mathematics Competition, the Space Design Sprint with La Trobe University as well as students out representing the College in Sport!

With Term 3 nearly at its midpoint, it is an opportunity to reflect on our focus value for this term of Respect. It is encouraging to see the many ways our students have been demonstrating this value including:

  • Giving everyone the opportunity to learn
  • Actively listening and checking for understanding when needed
  • Treating others the way you want to be treated



We are approaching that time of the Term for Parent Teacher Student Conferences. Parents will still be able to log into Compass and select their preferred times for these conferences to be held on 20 August.

This is an important opportunity for all families to engage in the learning journey with their child and our school. The partnership between student, school and parents is important in ensuring academic success.



Our families will be aware that there are 2 Student Free Days this term – Friday 9th and Monday 19th August. Planning days like these are essential as we continue to develop our school and plan not only for what comes next, but also to continuously improve the work we are doing now. I look forward to reporting back to our community on the important work we cover on these days.



On Friday 16 August, the College will recognise the National Day of Action Against Bullying. In 2024, the theme is ‘Everyone belongs’.

Each year, thousands of schools across Australia come together to promote inclusion, respect and belonging. We all play an important role in working with young people to find bullying prevention solutions.

When we all feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place. It’s about embracing who we are, respecting everyone’s differences and standing up together against unkindness.

Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. We’re encouraged to speak up and create a safe place where everyone feels supported and respected, and our voices are heard and valued.



All families will have received details via Compass for the 2024 Parent Opinion Survey.

The survey, offered by the Department of Education, is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement.

Parent and carer opinions are important to us and will contribute in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies. The department will use the results from the survey for research purposes and to improve outcomes for students.

Please let us know if you have any questions about the survey or if you need support accessing the link.



All members of our community may have seen the progress of our Stage 2 buildings, and it is exciting to think that in 2025 we will have students learning out of these spaces.

Meeting and planning has now commenced to ensure that we are ready to use these buildings for 2025 and we are also expecting to provide tours and orientation for both current and future students before the end of the year!

Stage 2 facilities will include:

  • Learning Neighbourhood Building B
  • Visual Arts Building
  • Performing Arts, PE and Food Technology Building
  • Hardcourts
  • Sports Oval

This is great news for our community and students and means that we will be able to provide high quality learning experiences in high quality facilities. Make sure you check out our social media pages for updates and photos!


YEAR 7 2025

We continue to have high demand for student placement for Year 7 in 2025 and again, by far the number of placement requests have exceeded those received for this year’s cohort. As a result of a high demand for enrolments, the College remains under an Enrolment Management Plan which restricts enrolment to those who live within the enrolment zone.

Welcome families who are joining us in 2025! By now you will have received a welcome letter to confirm your details with us and in the coming weeks will receive an enrolment pack. We are looking forward to you joining us at Greenvale Secondary College.



Thank you to all of our families for their connection and engagement with learning at Greenvale Secondary College. In our continued efforts I wanted to raise awareness of the assistance available to access and navigate Compass.

It is important that all families are regularly logging in, reading notifications and celebrating the learning growth of their child. Sometimes we recognise that navigating or accessing technology may require a little support, so we recommend that families:

  1. Drop into the Administration Office and ask for assistance
  2. Check out the online Parent and Family Guide for Compass
  3. Login to Compass or our Website and view the help guides under School Documentation



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Milestone Activities have now been conducted in most subject areas and will help the student, family and teacher understand if there has been learning growth in the first part of the term and informs targeted teaching as we move towards the Common Assessment Task (CAT). Please reach out to your child’s teachers if you have any questions or concerns about their progress.

On the morning of Friday August 9th, our staff participated in Professional Learning around School Wide Positive Behaviour Support. This is an evidenced based program that focusses on creating a safe and supportive learning environment. The focus for Friday was on understanding student behaviour and creating uniformity around positive language that encourages expected behaviours. Harry Cuthbertson from the North West Region of the Department of Education helped facilitate the work with the Greenvale Secondary College SWPBS team. We will devote another half day to continue the implementation of the program on November 1st. The afternoon session on Friday enabled teachers to moderate the Milestone task across the cohort to establish assessment benchmarks and strategies to target teaching for the last half of the unit, for all students on the learning continuum.

Attendance continues to be a focus for the Engagement team at GSC. Currently we are putting a video together to outline the impact of poor attendance on our students. It is not ok to be away unless there is an illness that prevents attendance. Missing school disadvantages the student in learning, social connections and in establishing good routines into VCE where a student is not be eligible to pass a unit if there is less than 90% attendance. We are committed to working with our students and families to improve attendance levels which in turn will improve learning outcomes for those students. Students with less than 80% attendance will be asked to attend a meeting with parents to implement an Attendance Support Plan, and may also be required to attend Redemption Days at the end of Term.


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Semester 2 has flown by so far with students and staff creating new routines and rapport in new elective subjects and new timetables. It has been great to see the Year 9 students so keen to engage in new subject material and reflecting on their own learning behaviours as they work towards their future pathways.

All students have worked with their Connect teachers and parents in interviews and discussions round Subject Selection for Year 10 2025. A significant number of students decided to apply for Early Start VCE subjects for next year, contributing to their VCE pathway and challenging themselves to develop organization, time management, revision and exam strategies this year to prepare.

At the halfway mark of the term, students have started to prepare for their Greenvale Small Business Expo at the end of term by working in small groups to identify a solution to a problem they see in the community. They will research to understand the positive impact their solution will have on the people of the community, as well as develop financial tables and a marketing strategy. Year 7 and 8 students and Year 9 parents will be able to see what they have planned in the Expo on Wednesday 18th September (Save the Date!) and hopefully a number of their initiatives will be invested in and be implemented in the community.

Another exciting event coming up is the Year 9 camp to King Lake Adventure Camp. Students will spend valuable time with familiar peers and develop new positive rapports with other students and staff as they challenge themselves to step out of their comfort zone and build resilience and vital problem solving skills for their future. Staff are excited to attend this camp with the Year 9 students and will be working with students in the lead up to finalise cabins and activities for the 2 night-3 day camp.  Stay tuned for updates on their return!

A friendly reminder to parents that payment for Greenvale Small Business Expo and City Experience are due this term on Compass Events. These programs align with the Greenvale Secondary College Vision of preparing student to be lifelong learners, confident educated risk-takers and active contributors to their community.

While it has been an exciting and challenging year so far, there is still more to come! The Subschool Team knows the Year 9 students are up to the challenge and will thrive by taking the opportunities provided to them in this second semester as they transition to Senior Schooling.



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Term three seems to be flying by as we reach the halfway point. The team has definitely noticed a more settled return in term three which is great. Students have moved into their term 3 subjects well and we are looking forward to seeing as many parents and guardians as possible at the parent teacher interviews coming up in week 6. This is an exciting opportunity to work together to see how students are progressing and what goals we can set together for the remainder of the semester.

As mentioned, the students in both year 7 & 8 have settled in well this term and have been doing some great work and included in this report are some photos of the students in action during their lessons.

On July 24 the year 7 students celebrated reaching 100 school days of their secondary education. During the day there was a chance for the students to reflect on their time here at Greenvale Secondary College and here are some of the highlights they mentioned:

  • Swimming carnival
  • Athletics carnival
  • Year 7 camp
  • Meet & Greet BBQ
  • Zoo excursion
  • Exciting new subjects

The year 8 students over the last couple of weeks have had their first experience of choosing their own pathways. Moving into year 9 gives them the opportunity to select two electives each semester. Hearing the conversations or the deep questions that have been asked by the students to help guide them to their choice has displayed a level of maturity that we are pleased to see. Subject selections will be announced towards the end of term 3 to help families plan for 2025 with plenty of time to spare.

The Junior School Students have been representing the school at interschool sports this term. Year 8 boys have been out for AFL and Track & Field, Year 7 boys and girls have been out for Basketball and Netball. The students have been displaying all our school values while representing the school. Teamwork and leadership were especially well displayed. It doesn’t matter if the team wins or loses (winning makes it more enjoyable no doubt) but it’s giving it 100% that counts.

Another way students have been demonstrating their school involvement is through the Australian Mathematics Competition which Ms Lazarus organised for students from all year levels to participate in. We look forward to finding out the results to celebrate this with the students at either our next year level assembly or the whole school assembly.

We look forward to the second half of term 3 which will be a busy period of learning and assessments (CAT week).


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Greenvale Secondary has had an exhilarating season, showcasing the exceptional talent and dedication of our students across various sports. Here’s a recap of recent achievements and a look ahead to upcoming events.



Our Intermediate Boys Netball team has made us proud by reaching the Region Finals. The boys displayed remarkable skill and teamwork throughout the Woodlands division tournament. Their defensive strategies were impenetrable, and their offensive plays were executed with precision. In the final match, they faced a formidable opponent, but our team’s resilience shone through. Congratulations to the team and their coaches for qualifying for the final.



The Year 8 Boys AFL team also had a stellar season, advancing to the Region Finals. Their journey was marked by thrilling matches and incredible displays of athleticism. In the finals, they faced off against some of the best teams in the region including Brunswick, Diamond Valley and Australian International Academy. Despite the intense competition, our boys played with heart and determination, showcasing their skills and sportsmanship. Their performance has set a high standard for future teams. Well done, boys!



Greenvale Secondary’s athletes made a significant impact at the Woodlands Division Track and Field event. Our students competed in various events, including sprints, long-distance races, and field events. Highlights included several personal bests and podium finishes, reflecting the dedication and training of our athletes. Special mentions go to our relay teams, who performed exceptionally well, and our long jumpers, who dominated their event. The entire team’s effort and spirit were truly commendable.



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The instrumental music team have been busy spreading the sounds of many instruments that Greenvale Secondary College have available to learn. Mrs McPhail has been around to some year 7 classes to demonstrate our woodwind and brass instruments. The students listened respectfully and were engaged in these demonstrations.

The music staff have had two displays of our brass, woodwind and string instruments on display in the library this term. The students were given the opportunity to try them out during their break times. It was great to see so many students come along and try an instrument (or several) that they otherwise wouldn’t have had the chance to. Students who attended really enjoyed this opportunity and we look forward to welcoming more students to our program.

The music department has also been busy preparing students for our upcoming Library Performances which are performances held during both breaks to their peers and teachers. Last term, these performances were well received by a large number of students and teachers.

Our school ensemble has been busy working on new pieces. Our ensemble meets after school every Wednesday 3:10pm – 4:00pm. It consists of woodwind, brass, strings, piano and percussion instruments. All students are welcome and encouraged to come and try out ensemble, even if you don’t have lessons through the school.



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The SRC has planned a free dress day that will happen toward the end of term. In the first 4 weeks of the term the SRC consulted each group to find out what kind of free dress day they would like to have this term. The students had the opportunity to vote and have collectively decided to have a casual free dress day with a gold coin donation. Students now have the opportunity to think about and vote for which charity we will donate the proceeds of the day to. In the last week of term the SRC is also planning a culture day where everyone dresses as their culture and spends the day celebrating diversity in our school. Students are currently having their say on what activities they would like to do on the day.


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Student Services of Greenvale Secondary College covers a number of areas of support to assist the wellbeing of students and families.



The allied health team consists of a manager (qualified as a youth worker/counsellor and mental health specialist) x 3 Wellbeing Support Staff (counsellor, youth worker, social worker) and a Mental Health Practitioner.

The team provides crisis management and assessment, case management, psychoeducation and short-term counselling.

Referrals from: Individual, family, teacher, school staff and external services



Greenvale Secondary College is in the process of employing a Careers Counsellor.  One of the responsibilities of this position will be the organization of work experience for the 2025 year 10 students.

If you or someone you know has the capacity to host a year 10 work experience placement in 2025 please complete the form at this link:



Every child has the right to an education no matter the support requirements of the child. An extensive qualified team supported by Team Leader Luisa De Amicis provides additional support within the classroom in addition to small group work, support in the school yard and excursions.

Recruitment is occurring for an Inclusion Administrator who will support the administration requirements of funding applications and the coordination of Student Support Groups and the development of Individual Education Plans.

If you have significant concerns in relation to your child’s learning or functioning, please reach out to Luisa De Amics or Tanya Vella.



In collaboration with the First Aid Officer the role of Student Services in this area involves the development of student medical plans, organizing visits by the Dental Van and Optometrist, liaising with the Secondary School Nursing Program and the assistance of the ordination of the student immunisation program.

Members of the team have extensive knowledge of medical services in the North of Melbourne.



Greenvale Secondary College is lucky to be a diverse school who is represented by numerous cultures.



On the 16th of September students and staff members will be invited to attend school in their traditional cultural dress or colors of their native land. 

Students will present some information about their culture background to their classmates.

In addition, several presentations will be made to students allowing for increased development of knowledge in different cultures.

A special lunchtime opportunity with x2 Food Trucks selling culturally based food.

More info to come early September.



Research indicates that one of the most challenging stages of one’s life is the transition from primary school to secondary school.  In addition to this, another form of transition is for those students who enroll and exit from GSC throughout the year.  Student Services members with other student engagement members support each of these transitions ensuring that connection, engagement and information exchange occurs for the success of the student.





All students are invited to grab some breakfast on Tuesday and Thursday mornings before school from the LNA kitchen.

Fruit is on offer during the breaks from the front office.



Navigating adolescences can be a very trying time.  One’s identity is further developing, with hormones racing around the body, pressures from peers, school and parents, in addition to all that comes with the online world.

The crew from 1000 Generations are working with some of our Year 8 Males and Year 9 Females students to support self-esteem, self-agency and efficacy.




This week is Bullying No Way: National week of action and we’re focusing on the importance of belonging. In our school, creating a sense of belonging is an important part of building an environment where bullying has no place.

Embracing diversity isn’t just about tolerance; it’s about actively embracing the richness that comes from unity in our differences. Understanding and compassion for others not only strengthen our personal connections with others but also significantly reduces the likelihood of hurtful behaviour in our school community. Positive relationships involve showing empathy, respect, and understanding towards one another, even when we may disagree.

Brainstorm Productions will be attending the school on Tuesday 13th August presenting “Stix and Stones” to the year 7 and 8 students in relation to the effects of bullying.



Greenvale Secondary College welcomes the presence of members of the Victoria Police and also Federal Police as part of the ongoing development of knowledge for the students in relation to online behaviour, consent and safety.


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At GSC library we love to promote books from our diverse collection. At present we have books that include fiction and non-fiction stories set in other countries, stories of refugees who have sought shelter in other countries and the stories of First Nations writers.





In the spirit of the Olympics, there’s a gold medal read for every student, whether they love soccer, gymnastics, or rugby! Check out the Olympics 2024 Reading List.“How much do you know about the Olympics?” Students can take the official quiz to test their knowledge!







We marked NAIDOC Week in the library with books on display written by First Nations writers. Here’s a link to the Indigenous Titles Reading List found in our collection.







A celebration of Book Week will occur later in the term, including the announcement of the award-winning books and an author visit to our school. The theme for this year is Reading is Magic. The Children’s Book Council of Australia has explained the theme in the following words:

“With our 2024 Children’s Book Week theme, Reading is Magic, we’re celebrating reading stories and their amazing power to transport minds. We are encouraging kids to be curious about the wonders in our world.”

Here’s a link to the CBCA 2024 Reading List we have on offer and also other books in our collection that match the theme of this year: “Reading is Magic”.




GSC Library is now accepting book requests. If there’s a specific book you’d like to see on our shelves, please let us know. Your suggestions help us make the library better for everyone.

You can submit requests via email: or click here to complete the survey to help us better understand your needs: The GSC Library Survey


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 Elizabeth Cullen – Business Manager

Liz is responsible for all HR, finance, facilities and operations matters at the College. Please be in touch if you need to discuss how the College can best support you and your students.


 Connie Midiri – Daily Organiser/Timetabler/First Aid Officer

Connie is responsible for daily organising and the school’s schedule. Connie also coordinates student first aid and medical information.


Jarryd Wright – Administration Officer

Jarryd is the first point of contact at Reception and can help you with any enquiry.


Annie Remeysen – Attendance and Engagement Officer

Annie is a member of our Student Engagement Team and is responsible for monitoring student attendance. Annie is a well known face in the Greenvale basketball community and can also assist with CSEF or financial hardship applications.


Nazira Kirim-Esen – Enrolments Officer

Naz is responsible for all new student enquiries to the College. Naz can guide families through all enrolment processes and is able to assist in the Turkish language as required.


 Susi Dombrzalski – HR and Office Manager/Executive Assistant

Susi is Executive Assistant to the Principal and can assist with meeting and scheduling requests. In addition, Susi looks after all staff HR matters. She is also a member of the Greenvale Secondary College parent community.


 Shweta Bhatti – Finance Manager

Shweta is responsible for all accounts payable and receivable matters. You can get in touch if you have enquiries about billing and payments.


Our Administration Team are always happy to assist and support all students and families at the front reception daily. Our Administration Office is open 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday. We are committed to doing our best and if you ever have any questions or queries, we are here to help.



Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you in advance for all your support, whatever it may be, during your time at Greenvale Secondary College. It will make a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer. 

If you are not able to contribute per the amounts listed in the parent payment arrangements policy, you are encouraged to make any dollar contribution that you are able to. Any amount helps contribute to the resources and educational opportunities the College is able to provide to all students. 

All payments can be made through Compass Pay or at Reception.  

You can find more information about the College’s 2024 parent payment arrangements here: 2024-GSC-Parent-Payment-Arrangements-FINAL.pdf ( 

Please note that deadlines for payment and consent for activities, camps and excursions is strict. No exceptions will be made. This is to allow the College adequate planning time before an event to know firm numbers of students who will be participating. This cut off is usually 1 week prior to the event. 



Students who arrive late to school, after 8:50am, must sign in through the Compass Kiosk either using their student card or Compass Login details.  

Parents/Guardians can either use the Compass Kiosk to sign their child in late or contact the Office on 8393 0000 advising us why their child will be late.  



We realise that at times you need to pick up your child early from school. When your child needs to be picked up early from school, please either contact the Office on 8393 0000 or send your child with a note to bring into Office Administration letting us know the time you will be picking up your child. This will ensure the class teacher will be notified when your child needs to leave class.   

When picking up your child early, you are required to come into the Administration Office and sign your child out through the Compass Kiosk. 

We request you pick your child up at the change over time between periods and do not pick your child up early after 2:45pm to minimise disruption to classes. 



Students who are not in Full School Uniform, we ask that a note is brought to the Administration Office explaining why your child cannot wear their full school uniform, so a uniform pass can be issued for the day.   



Uniform items can be purchased from Noone Imagewear,. 420-440 Cragieburn Road, Cragieburn. Online orders call also be placed directly at



The College has laptops available for loan should your student forget theirs or if they need a replacement for a short period of time. These must be loaned out from the IT Office each day and returned at the end of the day.   



Families requiring assistance with their Compass login should contact the Administration Office on 8393 000 and we can assist you with your login details and password. 



If you’d like to volunteer at the College, please complete this form. The College needs helpers for excursions, camps, sporting events, in the Library and general working bees!    



The College collects lost property that is handed in and this is stored at Reception. All unclaimed items will be disposed of at the end of each term. 

We strongly recommend that all items are labelled and named so they can be easily identified and returned to you.  

The team at Reception can also organise replacement Student Planners, student locks and/or ID cards for purchase if needed. 



Unfortunately, we know that students sometimes fall ill or hurt themselves while at school – accidents happen! The College has first aid trained staff and a well-equipped first aid room.   

The Office will notify parents or emergency contacts if there is a serious injury. You may be asked to collect your student if we cannot care for them at school. The Office may also contact you to seek your advice about how you’d like us to manage your child.  

Please remember to update the College with any important medical information so we can be aware and support. Any medication provided to the College must come with a doctor’s certificate about its use and a completed medication authority form.  

Please discourage your child from contacting you via mobile phone – if they are unwell, they can come to the Office at any time and we will contact you as needed.   



Families can order their child’s lunch through Compass each day, before 9:30am.  Students are to go to the canteen to collect their orders at the start of Break 1 or Break 2.  

If you miss the cut off for lunch orders, you are welcome to bring lunch or money to the Administration Office so your student doesn’t miss out. Please note, there are no IOUs available through the Canteen. 





19th AugustStudent Free day – Staff Professional Learning
20th AugustParent Teacher Interviews
30th AugustWear it Purple Day
12th SeptemberRUOK? Day
16th SeptemberG5 Thrive Day – Harmony Day
20th SeptemberDigital Learning Day – Last Day of Term 3



Daily school attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age. 

We realise some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But we also know that when students miss too much school – regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically.  

It is important that you contact the school as soon as possible on 8393 0000 or log onto the Compass Portal to inform us of your child’s absence.  

We also ask parents/guardians/carers to regularly monitor their child’s attendance through the Compass Parent Portal. 



A day here or there doesn’t seem like much but… 



 We have partnered with Sustainable School Shop to provide families access to second-hand textbooks, uniforms, calculators, musical instruments, sports gear and much more!

Sustainable School Shop have preloaded items specific to our school onto their site. This makes it super easy to list your items for sale and to buy items.

See all the second-hand uniform items for sale here:

See all the second-hand textbooks for sale here:

So jump onto the site, register and list your items for sale, you will be:

  • reusing items rather than adding to landfill
  • making money on items you sell
  • saving money on items you buy
  • providing another family in our school with cheaper items
  • helping to create a culture of contact amongst our school community families!

Login or Register here:



Uniform items can be purchased from Noone Imagewear.

New Craigieburn Store Open. Shop A2-E,  420-440 Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn.  Shopping Precinct – Craigieburn Junction. Cnr Craigieburn Rd and Aitken Boulevard. Store is located next to Carpet Call.

Online orders can also be placed directly at











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