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Welcome to the first edition of our Connect Newsletter for 2025 – and our fourth year of operation as a school in the Greenvale Community. 

In a new year of learning and with so much happening and many new faces, it has been pleasing to hear many stories that represent the positive start we have had to the year.   

The first weeks of the year have been very busy, but it has been exciting to see and hear our students and staff excited to be back for the year!  

The first few days with staff in 2025 were spent building a strong collective understanding of why we are all here working at Greenvale Secondary College, being clear on our main focus for 2025 as well as completing the first module of the Berry Street Education Model. 

We have already had a whole school assembly, swimming carnival and welcome BBQ which were all great examples of the positive start and engagement we have at the College! 

We also can’t forget how proud we are to have such nice and new facilities that we have moved into this year, and I encourage our community to either book in for a tour or check them out online by visiting our website.  


Our College Music Program continues to go from strength to strength which has included performances at our recent Welcome BBQ. We do have a few remaining spots available for various instrumental lessons and anyone interested is encouraged to contact the College. 



Greenvale Secondary College offers a number of academic enhancement programs for our students. At Greenvale, we provide opportunities for students to do things that reflect their passion or interest. This ensures students take leadership of their learning and promotes more rapid learning growth. Our 2025 program has commenced for students in Years 7 and 8 and will be fabulous to see all students being supported to achieve high levels of learning growth. 



The College has now announced dates for both our 2025 Family Information Sessions and College Tours. The enrolment demand on our College continues to increase and we are looking forward to meeting future families to show them how great our school is. 


Bookings for both the Information Sessions and College Tours will be available by visiting our website –  



Following extensive consultation with our community, there are some minor changes that have been approved regarding the specific days of the week that Year 7 and 8 students can wear their Sport Uniform to school for the whole day. 

These changes will come into effect from Tuesday 11 March 2025 and mean that: 

  • Students in Year 7 and 8 can wear their Sport Uniform to school on their 2 practical Physical Education (PE) class days and if they have a Sport based Enhancement subject on Fridays.  


The reasons for these changes are: 


  • Students in Year 7 and 8 now have a schedule which means that their practical Physical Education (PE) classes are now split into 2 single sessions on 2 separate days (rather than 1 double session on 1 day).  
  • Some students have a sport-based Enhancement on Fridays which means they need to wear the Sport Uniform on this day 

The items in the uniform do not and have not been changed, with all items remaining current. 

For students in other year levels – the uniform policy remains unchanged.  

For full details of the College Uniform including how to purchase or how to access the Sustainable School Shop for second hand uniform – please visit our website.  




The College has been busy with recruitment, and in 2025 we have the following new staff: 

  • Miss. Kari Andringa – Classroom Teacher (English/Humanities) 
  • Miss. Joyce Selim – Classroom Teacher (English/Humanities) 
  • Miss. Sharlotte Dev – Classroom Teacher (Humanities) 
  • Miss. Isobel Hammel – Classroom Teacher (Humanities) 
  • Mr. David Kershaw – Classroom Teacher (Health and PE) 
  • Miss. Bree Chapman – Classroom Teacher (Health and PE) 
  • Mrs. Tania De Baize – Learning Specialist (Literacy Growth & Enhancement) 
  • Mrs. Claire Farnan-Sestito – Head of Teaching and Learning 
  • Mr. Dean James – Classroom Teacher (Media) 
  • Mrs. Ros Manly – Classroom Teacher (Drama) 
  • Miss. Sarah Mascarenhas – Classroom Teacher (Maths/Science) 
  • Mr. Justin Roeschmann – Classroom Teacher (Maths/Science) 
  • Miss. Elie Gasco – Classroom Teacher (Maths/Science) 
  • Miss. Lateisha Ali – Classroom Teacher (Maths/Science) 
  • Miss. Heather Hill – Education Support (Disability Inclusion Administration Leader) 
  • Miss. Wai Lee – Education Support (Careers) 
  • Miss. Emer O’Connell – Education Support (Youth Worker) 
  • Mrs. Donna Sekulovski – Education Support (Inclusion Support) 
  • Mrs. Mehtap Yurdakul – Education Support (Inclusion Support) 


The College has also completed the process to appoint staff to positions of responsibility for 2025, these include: 


  • Year Level Leader (Year 7) – Mrs. Claire Farnan-Sestito 
  • Year Level Leader (Year 8) – Mr. Dean James 
  • Year Level Leader (Year 9) – Mr. David Kershaw 
  • Year Level Leader (Year 10) – Mrs. Rana Bakdache 
  • College Sport Coordinator – Miss. Laura Carland 
  • Mathematics Learning Leader – Miss. Shannon Lazarus 
  • Science Learning Leader – Mrs. Angela Alessandri 
  • English Learning Leader – Mrs. Tania De Baize 
  • Humanities Learning Leader – Miss. Taylah Watson 
  • Health and PE Learning Leader – Mr. James Tonna 
  • Arts and Technology Learning Leader – Ms. Brittney Moro 
  • Connect Leader – Miss. Kathleen Timms 
  • Student Voice and House Leader – Miss. Lucinda Vrzovski 


The following staff are Mentor Teachers in 2025: 

7A Mr. Maxim Sheko 8A Mrs. Melinda Gall 
7B Miss. Sarah Stephens 8B Mr. Dean James 
7C Miss. Sarah Mascarenhas 8C Mr. Nick DiFabio 
7D Miss. Gayle Maginn 8D Miss. Nina Ye 
7E Mr. Liam Murphy 8E Miss. Elif Doktoroglu 
7F Miss. Shannon Lazarus 8F Miss. Joyce Selim 
9A Miss. Lucinda Vrzovski 10A Miss. Laura Carland 
9B Mr. Justin Roeschmann 10B Mrs. Angela Alessandri 
9C Ms. Brittney Moro 10C Miss. Kathleen Timms 
9D Miss. Liz Cullen 10D Miss. Kari Andringa 
9E Ms. Diane Dixon 10E Miss. Taylah Watson 


In 2025, the College is guided by the following members of the Leadership Team: 

  • Mr. Mark Natoli – Principal 
  • Mrs. Melinda Gall – Assistant Principal 
  • Miss. Lucy Gibbs – Assistant Principal 
  • Miss. Liz Cullen – Assistant Principal 
  • Mrs. Tanya Vella – Director of Student Services 
  • Mrs. Angela Alessandri – Head of Curriculum 
  • Mr. Davey Van’t Schip – Head of School (Year 7 & 8) 
  • Mr. Ken Sinderberry – Head of School (Year 9 & 10) 
  • Mrs. Claire Farnan-Sestito – Head of Teaching and Learning 
  • Mrs. Tania De Baize – Learning Specialist (Literacy Growth & Enhancement) 
  • Miss. Shannon Lazarus – Learning Specialist (Numeracy Growth & Enhancement) 



The College Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) documents a sharp and narrow focus on school improvement priorities and provides clarity and purpose for all members of the school community as we work towards the goals documented in our School Strategic Plan. 

The plan for 2025 was developed based on parent, student and staff input and we are excited with the work we have agreed to deliver this year. 





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Welcome Year 7 and new staff! 

The GSC students and staff welcomed the 2025 Year 7 students to our community in our Welcome Assembly on February 3 and we had more time to meet families at the Welcome BBQ on February 12th. We are very fortunate also to have a group of excellent teachers join our school.  

The classroom 

Students are settling in and the focus for Term 1 is on establishing good learning routines. Every session of the day, students line up outside the classroom, the teacher checks that students have all of their resources so that they are ready to learn. Once in the classroom, students stand behind designated seats and wait to be greeted by the teacher before sitting quietly. It is a priority for us that classrooms are safe, supportive and productive. Some students are adjusting to and learning this learning routine which will ultimately bring them more success in their learning. 

It can take some year 7 students some time to transition into secondary school; for most it will take at least a term. It is important that there is a strong partnership between families and the school to enhance this; communication needs to be strong, and we need to work together to establish strong learning habits.  

It is our goal that the learning in every classroom is intentional, engaging, targeted and effective. Our teachers work in Professional Learning Communities each Monday afterschool to examine their practice using evidence in an improvement cycle. This year our focus in PLC is on embedding the Positive Learning Framework into our teaching and learning and we are using resources from Berry Street Education Model and School Wide Positive Behaviour Strategies to support this. 


Being Ready to Learn means having the following things, every day for every class: 

  • A charged laptop 
  • Books and resources  
  • Pencil case 
  • Planner 
  • A positive attitude 

Melinda Gall 

Assistant Principal – Engagement 





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As we settle into the new school year, we want to share some exciting updates and insights into the teaching and learning experiences your child will have throughout 2025. At Greenvale Secondary College, we are committed to providing a supportive, engaging, and challenging educational environment that allows every student to achieve their potential. 

A Focus on Student-Centered Learning 

Our teaching approach this year continues to prioritise student-centered learning, ensuring that each lesson is tailored to meet the diverse needs of our students. Through active collaboration, inquiry-based activities, and hands-on experiences, we encourage students to take ownership of their learning journey, develop critical thinking skills, and become lifelong learners. 

Personalised Pathways for Success 

We understand that each student learns differently, which is why we offer a range of learning pathways. From differentiated instruction in the classroom to additional support programs for students who need extra help, we aim to meet students where they are and help them progress at their own pace. This includes providing opportunities for extension activities and specialised learning support in key areas. 

What Can Parents Do to Support Their Child’s Learning? 

As partners in your child’s education, your support is invaluable in helping them succeed. Here are some practical ways you can contribute to their academic and personal development: 

Check Your Student is Ready to Learn Every Day: make sure your student has their Fantastic Five – planner, pencil case, charged laptop (and charger), notebook, and a positive attitude. These are key to accessing successful learning in the classroom. 

Stay Informed: Regularly check your child’s schoolwork, assignments, and progress on Compass. Keep up to date with school events, newsletters, and parent-teacher meetings. Staying connected to the school’s communications helps you stay informed about important dates, curriculum topics, and any areas where your child might need extra support.  

Create a Positive Study Environment: Ensure your child has a quiet, well-lit space to study at home, free from distractions. Establishing a routine that includes time for study, relaxation, and extracurricular activities will help them manage their time effectively. 

Encourage Open Communication: Keep the lines of communication open with your child. Encourage them to talk about what they’re learning, any challenges they might be facing, or questions they have about school. Listening to their concerns and offering guidance can help them navigate academic challenges. 


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Term 1 has started at a quick pace and it’s hard to believe that we are halfway through the term. The students in both year 9 and 10 have been introduced to new aspects of their high school journey and it’s been very pleasing to see most students have faced this challenge and risen to the expectations.  

The year 9 students have been introduced to elective subjects for the first time, which means they are able to complete subjects in areas they are keen on or interested in learning more about. They have also been taking part in a new subject called Connect which this term focuses on their personal best where they are searching more about the person they are and talents they have to share with the group.  

The year 10 students are getting more depth and breadth subjects which are preparing them for their VCE journey. They also continue with Connect however this program is taking a different approach this year. So far, this year has been very future focused and presenting the students with information about their VCE options. We hope the students are having discussions at home about their pathway in years 11 and 12 as subject selections will not be far away.  

The swimming carnival a couple of weeks ago was a great show of students representing their houses and competing in a sporting event. There was a lot of school pride on display, which was great to see.  

It’s also been great to get into our new buildings and have a complete school, the facilities look great, and the students have some really great learning spaces to take advantage of, especially the new kitchen which students have been cooking up a storm in our new food technology space. 





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Student Services 

We hope that the families of the school have had an enjoyable summer break spending time with each other and enjoying the beautiful weather that has been upon us. 

Student Services Personnel 

A number of new staff have joined the Student Services Team. As the school expands so does the need for support staff. Below is a list of all student support staff 

Director of Student Services–  Tanya Vella 

Allied Health 

Mental Health Practitioner and Social Worker- Andrea Black 

Youth Woker- Stephanie Surbevski 

Youth Worker- Emer O’Connell 


Team Leader of Inclusion – Luisa De Amicis 

Team Leader Inclusion Administration and Support – Heather Hill 

Inclusion Youth Worker – Valentina Collins 

Inclusion Support Staff- Caisha, Jawaria, Nuni, Chantelle, Machi, Donna, and Methap 


Careers Practitioner: Wai Lee 


Throughout Term 1 the majority of time is spent assisting the students to transition into the new year.  Several student meetings have taken place, phone call to families to offer support, financial assistance and everyday school support to be ready to learn. 

Planning for 2025 

Greenvale Secondary College is happy to work with the following services and agencies in 2025 to provide education and development of knowledge for the students: 

Victoria Police                          1000 Generations 

Stix and Stones                         Pat Cronin Foundation 

Mancave                                   Social Stencil 

Love Bites                                 Blue Edge 

Breakfast Club 

Breakfast is offered to students each Tuesday and Thursday from 8:15am to 8:40am in LNB.  So far this has been very well attended.  On the 4th March the Breakfast Club will have pancakes on offer to celebrate pancake Tuesday. 


Lunch and Fruit 

There is fruit always on offer to students at the front reception.  If a student forgets their lunch, there is always food available at front reception for them. 







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It has been wonderful to see both Year 7 and Year 9 students involving themselves in their music classes during the first few weeks of this year! Everyone is positively engaged in learning about music and making music by clapping or playing on instruments. 

The Year 7 students have been learning about the various instruments of the orchestra and the instrument families they belong to. They have enjoyed watching video examples to learn about less familiar instruments and to develop a deeper understanding of how instruments are grouped together and how they are played. All Year 7 Music classes were very fortunate to have both music teachers demonstrate a range of instruments from woodwind, brass and strings families, as they could see and hear these instruments performed live, and students could also ask questions and have a go at playing several of these instruments. 

Year 7 students have also been learning about the elements of music, focusing especially on rhythm and a little bit on melody. 

It has been great to see students participating in rhythm clapping activities and creating their own rhythms in table groups. Each lesson begins with a rhythm relay, where a clapped or spoken rhythm is passed from table group to table group, and the goal is to pass smoothly between groups without losing the pulse. This week, classes have been looking at food rhythms and then in groups combining a series of these to create a meal. These activities were a valuable opportunity for students to strengthen their teamwork and negotiation skills, and to build their confidence in performing to the rest of the class. It was also an opportunity for those watching and listening to develop respectful audience etiquette. 

Students have additionally been learning to read and write music notation, mainly focusing on how to draw rhythms and relate it to the rhythm relay activities.  

When taking a short break from the main class activities, some students have demonstrated their skills and curious improvisation abilities by playing on the keyboards, guitars or violins.  

The Year 9 students have been learning about Medieval music and culture, and the influence this has on certain gaming soundtracks such as ‘Halo’. They have been learning how the elements of music are treated in Medieval music and how this differs from more modern musical styles. At the same time, they have used class discussions as a way to consider how elements and techniques from Medieval style can be applied in a modern way. 

Students has also been increasing their familiarity with Medieval instruments and making connections to modern version of these instruments. They have enjoyed watching video examples of these instruments to strengthen their understanding and to make comparisons to modern versions of these instruments. 

Students have also deepened their understanding of the Medieval elements of music and composition techniques by watching video examples of traditional Gregorian chant and looking at how similar elements have been used in a modern context to inspire gaming soundtracks, such as the ‘Halo’ theme which is heavily inspired by Gregorian chant and Medieval modes. 

Students have additionally learnt more deeply about Medieval modes – an earlier and more extended version of the musical scale system – by listening to an instructional video, watching keyboard demonstrations, and by learning to play these modes themselves on instruments. In learning to play these modes, students have not only learnt how these are structured in terms of note patterns but have also developed the ability to play different instruments, such as keyboard, guitar and violin. Scaffolds such as guitar tabs and keyboard diagrams have been provided to help students work out the notes for modes and for related chords when playing on these instruments. Students will soon be using their developing knowledge of modes and chords to improvise their own musical ideas.  

The instrumental music program has recently resumed for the year and many students are excited to receive lessons on a range of instruments, including keyboard, drums, electric and acoustic guitar, bass guitar, violin, trumpet, French horn, saxophone and flute. Congratulations to the students who are taking the initiative to learn a new instrument! 

In this short time, there have already been some excellent music performances!  

At the Welcome BBQ about two weeks ago, the school ensemble performed ‘Viva La Vida’ as parents came to collect a sausage and chat with teachers. There were also some students who performed solos and in small groups, including a French horn solo, a vocal duet, a bass guitar solo and a drum solo. At the Year 7 & 8 assembly last week, Ruby Rhodes from Year 8 gave a passionately energetic performance and thoroughly impressed all the Year 7 and 8 students! 
If you are interested or considering having your child taking up an instrument, it is not too late! You can contact the music team or the front office at any time to begin small group lessons on a range of instruments.     



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Welcome to the first edition of the Careers News section.  My name is Wai Lee and I’ve been appointed to Greenvale Secondary College as the Careers and Student Pathways Advisor.  My main role in 2025 will be supporting the Year 10 students Work Experience Program, completion of Career Action Plans and organizing career-based excursions and incursions. 

Year 10s Work Experience Program  

As Year 10 students and parents are aware, we are running the 2025 Work Experience Program for the first time at GSC with placements at the end of Term 2: Mon 23 June to Friday 4 July.  

Benefits to Work Experience: 

  • Experience the World of the Work 
  • Gain new professional skills 
  • Explore future career options 
  • Develop independence and confidence 
  • Greater opportunities for part-time and casual employment 
  • Secure employer’s reference for future applications 

Please return all Work Experience forms by end of Term 1 to myself located at V1 (media/visual arts building) I’m in Mon, Tue & Fridays, or email  Contact me for further questions and support. 

Victorian Careers & Employment Expo 

We are organizing an excursion to the Vic Careers & Employment Expo on Thursday March 20 for all Year 10 students.   

The event is packed with free advice: 

  • Talk with over 130 Training Organisations & Employers 
  • Gain Free Career Advice and Seminars 
  • Discover Jobs of the Future 
  • Talk with Leading Organisations about Training & Apprenticeships 

If you are attending, please ensure you consent and make payment by Monday, 10 March 2025. 

Resources – Career Tools 

Check out Greenvale’s Career Tools for Career guidance and information.  Students can login and access: 

  • Job & Career information and targets 
  • Courses, Scholarships & Opportunities 
  • Career Action Plans & investigate suggested careers 
  • Create resumes, cover letters & portfolios 


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SRC / House Update February 2025  

 Term 1 has been an exciting and productive start for the Student Representative Council. Our student leaders stepped into their roles, setting the tone for a year of growth, collaboration, and positive change at the first whole school assembly. Here the 2025 Year Level Captains were officially introduced to the school community. In addition, the Year Level Captains promoted the SRC applications for Year 7 representatives, encouraging new students to take on leadership roles within the college. 

 A big thank you to Assistant Principal, Melinda Gall, for her support in selecting and conducting interviews for the Year 7 representatives. After a successful round of applications and interviews, the SRC is pleased to announce our 2025 Year 7 Captain: Olivia Van Heer, alongside our Year 7 Leaders: Karthika Kolla, Kuzey Sensi, and Jacob Tlais. Each were recognised and presented with their SRC pins at the Junior School Assembly at the end of Week 4. 

 The SRC continues to meet fortnightly, where they are currently reviewing a range of projects to undertake throughout the year. Towards the end of Term 1 our Middle School Student Leaders will attend the Melbourne Secondary Youth Leadership Conference at the Melbourne Convention Centre. This annual event provides students with a unique opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and leadership development. As Australia’s largest youth leadership conference for secondary students, this experience will not only be transformational for our Middle School Student Leaders but will also enable them to mentor and guide our Junior School Student Leaders with confidence and knowledge. 


Year Level Captain: Olivia Van Heer 
Karthika Kolla 
Kuzey Sensi 
Jacob Tlais 


Year Level Captain: Joann Jesto 
Laylah Sayegh  
Zayed El Akoumi 
Zac El Chal 


Year Level Captain: Jordan Stenhouse 
Mustafa El Akoumi 
Christopher Phillips 
Saara Sheyte 


Year Level Captain: Sofia Zovko 
Houda Chebbo  
Leyla Saylik 
Athren Sultan-Willet 


Waring Isaac Marosy and Zayd Christodoulo 
Garrawang Subana Manandhar   
Poorneet Noor-e Fatima 
Biderap Cole Taylor and Christabel Goh   


Emmie Chaiha and Hannah Soubjaki 


Khadijah Mian and Ibrahim Dalkilic 


Sarah Dolmay and Azelya Cayir 


Defne Ozcelik and Daniel Parisi 



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Welcome to the Library! 

We’re excited to welcome both new and returning students to the library this year! Not only do we have many new books and popular series, but we’ve also expanded the space, making the library a fully functioning library space for reading, studying, and activities. With updated signage, students can now easily find books by level and genre, making it simpler to discover great reads! 


More Space for… Activities! 

The library is a great place to enjoy some quiet reading or find a comfortable spot to relax with a good book. But if you’re looking for something different, we now have more space for fun activities during Break 2 every day, along with an exciting selection of new board games to enjoy with friends. Our lunchtime clubs also include puzzles, BYOD games, and more! 


New Books Available Now! 

We have an exciting range of new releases now available in the library! From bestselling fiction to popular new series, there’s something for every reader to enjoy. Be sure to check out the latest arrivals on display! 


Special Shout-Out! 

A huge THANK YOU to Penguin Random House Publishing for generously donating three boxes of brand-new books! We’re incredibly grateful for their support in enriching our library collection. We also want to acknowledge the book and puzzle donations from our wonderful staff. Students are encouraged to contribute as well—your donations help make our library even more vibrant! 


Coming Soon – eBooks & Audiobooks! 

We’re thrilled to announce that we are in the process of launching a new online platform for students to access a wide selection of eBooks and audiobooks. This means students will have access to a digital library which will provide even more opportunities to enjoy reading in different formats. Stay tuned for more updates! 


Visit the Library! 

The library is open daily at Break 2 for borrowing and activities. Whether students want to dive into a great book, engage in games, or just relax, we can’t wait to see everyone there! 


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 Elizabeth Cullen – Business Manager

Liz is responsible for all HR, finance, facilities and operations matters at the College. Please be in touch if you need to discuss how the College can best support you and your students.


 Connie Midiri – Daily Organiser/Timetabler/First Aid Officer

Connie is responsible for daily organising and the school’s schedule. Connie also coordinates student’s first aid and medical information.


Daniel Jackson– Administration Officer

Daniel is the first point of contact at Reception and can help you with any enquiry.


Annie Remeysen – Attendance and Engagement Officer Year 9/10

Annie is a member of our Student Engagement Team and is responsible for monitoring student attendance. Annie is a well known face in the Greenvale basketball community and can also assist with CSEF or financial hardship applications.


Kate Wilson– Attendance and Engagement Officer Year 7/8

Kate is a member of our Student Engagement Team and is responsible for monitoring student attendance. Kate is a former staff member at Greenvale Kindergarten and Roxborough Park Primary and will be well known to many.


Nazira Kirim-Esen – Enrolments Officer

Naz is responsible for all new student enquiries to the College. Naz can guide families through all enrolment processes and is able to assist in the Turkish language as required.


Susi Dombrzalski – HR and Office Manager/Executive Assistant

Susi is Executive Assistant to the Principal and can assist with meeting and scheduling requests. In addition, Susi looks after all staff HR matters. She is also a member of the Greenvale Secondary College parent community.


Shweta Bhatti – Finance Manager

Shweta is responsible for all accounts payable and receivable. You can get in touch if you have enquiries about billing and payments.


Our Administration Team are always happy to assist and support all students and families at the front reception daily. Our Administration Office is open 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday. We are committed to doing our best and if you ever have any questions or queries, we are here to help.



Greenvale Secondary College is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of our voluntary financial contributions for 2025.

You can find more information about the College’s parent payment arrangements here: 2025-GSC-Parent-Payment-Arrangements-FINAL.pdf (

These have been endorsed by School Council and we have endeavoured to keep costs as low as possible for families.

You can make payment for these NOW through the Compass Payments App.








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