The Student Services Team has welcomed many new staff members and new roles within the team. 

Welcome Luisa De Amics as the Inclusion Team Leader.  Luisa supports all the Inclusion staff whilst assisting teachers to help implement adjustments and modifications in the classroom.  Luisa will be one of the main staff members assisting the school to move to Disability Inclusion Framework which has been introduced by DET. 

Welcome Andrea Black as the Mental Health Practitioner and also Behaviorist.  As the population of the school grows so does the MHP funding.  Andrea is with GSC 2 days a week as the MHP and 1 day as school behaviourist.  Andrea provides support to students to assist in their mental health providing short term counselling and referrals to community services. 

Welcome Shaqueal Sabinto. Nuni Merger, Chantelle Raffaele and Laura Franzo to the Inclusion Support Team.  You will see these wonderful people supporting students within the classroom and providing small groups and individual one on one support.


Referrals to Student Services 

The student services team – Allied Health–provides check-in support, case management, counselling, family support, referrals for educative assessments and referrals to external agencies. 

Students, Families, Carers and Teachers can all make referrals to the Student Services team.   Families and carers please call the school and speak to Tanya or Steph to make a referral.  Students can speak to their mentor teacher, subject’s teachers or present to student services to make a referral. 

Moving from Intergration to Inclusion 

The Program for Students with Disabilities is in the process of dissolving with the introduction of Disability Inclusion. Greenvale Secondary College is very welcoming of this shift.  Inclusion highlights the shifting need to include students in all parts of the curriculum and not just having the student adjust to school and what it offers. 

D.I provides more education and support to educators, support to students who don’t meet the criteria for the usual funding but do have learning difficulties requiring adjustments, and funding for individual students who require intensive support. 

As the year progresses more information will be sent out to families in relation to DI. 

Positive Recognitions 

Students are in full swing in relation to displaying the values of the school in their classroom and the school yard. Many parents and carers have probably already seen positive recognitions given to their students on the Compass app. Positive recognitions are provided to students on Compass. These recognitions equate to points. Twice a term students will have the opportunity to exchange these points for prizes from the reward shop. 

At the end of each semester a Gold Award Activity is organized for the top 5 students in each year level who have received the most Positive Recognitions. 


G5 Thrive Days 

Greenvale Secondary College has introduced G5 Thrive Days to the school.  These days occur in the last week of each term where the books and laptops are put away and we focus on ourselves, our part within the school community and also our part in the wider community. 

In term 1 we welcome: Victoria Police, Headspace, Pat Cronin Foundation, Big Sister Experience, Mancave and Real Life Experience to help support and further develop self-care, resilience, self-love and safety. 

Groups and Clubs 

A number of groups and clubs are returning to GSC in 2024. 

Homework club starts from the 19th of February on a Monday and Tuesday each week from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in the library. 

Breakfast Club is to start 27th February.  Every Tuesday and Thursday, 8:15am to 8:35am, in the Learning Neighbourhood. 

If you have any other ideas in relation to groups or clubs that we can introduce into the school, please email tanya.vella@education.vic.gov.au  

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