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Term three seems to be flying by as we reach the halfway point. The team has definitely noticed a more settled return in term three which is great. Students have moved into their term 3 subjects well and we are looking forward to seeing as many parents and guardians as possible at the parent teacher interviews coming up in week 6. This is an exciting opportunity to work together to see how students are progressing and what goals we can set together for the remainder of the semester.

As mentioned, the students in both year 7 & 8 have settled in well this term and have been doing some great work and included in this report are some photos of the students in action during their lessons.

On July 24 the year 7 students celebrated reaching 100 school days of their secondary education. During the day there was a chance for the students to reflect on their time here at Greenvale Secondary College and here are some of the highlights they mentioned:

The year 8 students over the last couple of weeks have had their first experience of choosing their own pathways. Moving into year 9 gives them the opportunity to select two electives each semester. Hearing the conversations or the deep questions that have been asked by the students to help guide them to their choice has displayed a level of maturity that we are pleased to see. Subject selections will be announced towards the end of term 3 to help families plan for 2025 with plenty of time to spare.

The Junior School Students have been representing the school at interschool sports this term. Year 8 boys have been out for AFL and Track & Field, Year 7 boys and girls have been out for Basketball and Netball. The students have been displaying all our school values while representing the school. Teamwork and leadership were especially well displayed. It doesn’t matter if the team wins or loses (winning makes it more enjoyable no doubt) but it’s giving it 100% that counts.

Another way students have been demonstrating their school involvement is through the Australian Mathematics Competition which Ms Lazarus organised for students from all year levels to participate in. We look forward to finding out the results to celebrate this with the students at either our next year level assembly or the whole school assembly.

We look forward to the second half of term 3 which will be a busy period of learning and assessments (CAT week).

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