Happy end of Term 3! Both cohorts have worked hard to demonstrate new skills and understanding across their subjects, while looking forward to receiving feedback to continue to progress and to demonstrate learning growth.
Though it has been a busy term, one of the highlights was National Day Against Bullying and Violence where students wrote messages for those who are victims of bullying as well as strategies to discourage bullies. Here are some reflections for our community on what it means to belong:
“When someone has many connections to people and places, they feel safe, happy and supported. The more connections they have, the better they are at coping with challenging situations in their life. Being connected and having people to talk to, or to ask for help, are great ways to prevent bullying.”
“At GSC, we want to create connections by getting involved in different areas of the community and accepting everyone for who they are. This helps individuals feel they belong in our community and helps to prevent bullying.”
For more resources and strategies to support our learners to Say No to Bullying, access the Bullying No Way website:
September 14th was R U Ok Day, a national day of action to promote connection and support of each other. By taking the time for an R U OK? Conversation and genuinely listening with an open mind, we can help the people in our world feel supported and connected.
We encourage every day to be an R U OK day, checking in on those we care about. Using those three words to start a much needed conversation is powerful and a great way to promote mental health in our community.
We hope you have a safe and wonderful spring holiday, as the days get warmer and the sun is out for longer! Looking forward to seeing you all next term as we work towards Year 8 and 9 and welcome our new Year 7 cohort into our community.
Kathleen Timms
Head of School